Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesdays are like "church" day for Brennan and I. In the mornings I attend a women's bible study and he goes to child care. For this semester, I joined the MOPS bible study and we're doing Kelly Minter's book on Ruth.

Wednesday nights, Jon and I are facilitating a small group as we all go through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. Jon's Uncle gave us Dave Ramsey's book "Total Money Makeover" when we were first married and we've been huge Dave Ramsey fans ever since. I feel it's set a good foundation for our finances- we're on the same page for a lot of big decisions and both agree to stay debt free. Our friends running this class needed facilitators and we thought it'd be a really good refresher course for us.

Okay, I have more to type, but Brennan is a DISASTER so I need to get off this thing. I knew something was up with him, we could see his gums were swollen and he was teething but he was just melting down with everything. Yesterday was his 18 month well child check up and not only is he teething but he also has an ear infection. Plus he got some shots. Plus, as we were packing up to leave for his appt, he started choking on a cracker. Like, couldn't breathe choking. Jon did the finger sweep and got some of the cracker out and then Brennan puked the rest of it up. I'm not sure if he puked from the finger in his throat or the choking or both but it was pretty scary for all of us. So needless to say, I'm outta here. It's time-out time :)

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